business consultant, coach and strategist


why hire jrt?

the anxiety around your to-do list decreased.

just imagine if..

you created multiple lines of revenue to achieve your goals.

you were able to tell your story across all digital platforms.

your 10 year vision felt more within your Reach in just a few phone calls.

ever had a dream so big?

that you didn’t feel like you could tell your closest friends and colleagues because it just felt so insanely out of reach?

craft a plan that makes sense to get there in a reasonable amount of time. At times the vision can feel much bigger than the solutions we are able to come up with in the moment.

We are usually stuck in a rotation of just making it through the next 30 days, the end of the Quarter or the end of this year. We rarely take time to think about where we want to land in 10 years or even the next 3-5 years for that matter. Where do you want your business to be? What improvements would you like to make for your team and within your organization? 

Our time together will become a safe space for you to share any and all dreams, goals and visions you may have and in exchange my hope for every session is that you will leave feeling empowered with actionable steps to get closer to those dreams. Let me be the hype man for your dreams..